
Legal news

Definition of energy-efficient housing

Decree no. 2021-19 of 11 January 2021 states that a dwelling is qualified as energy efficient when its consumption expressed in final energy per square metre per year is less than 450 kWh/m2.year in metropolitan France. It thus amends Decree No. 2002-120 of 30 January 2002 on the characteristics of decent housing in order to […]

Rental management – Residential leases

After the cities of Paris and Lille, the following eight EPCIs are candidates for the rent control experiment: the Plaine Commune public territorial establishment; Grand Orly Seine Bièvre (11 municipalities); the Public Territorial Establishment Est Ensemble; the Grand Paris Sud Seine Essonne Sénart conurbation community (Commune de Grigny); Bordeaux Métropole (City of Bordeaux); Grenoble Métropole […]

Publication of decree no. 2020-1609 of 17 December 2020 relating to energy performance diagnostics and the display of information relating to the energy consumption of dwellings in advertisements and property leases

Decree no. 2020-1609 of 17 December 2020 relating to energy performance diagnostics and the display of information relating to the energy consumption of dwellings in advertisements and property leases, JORF no. 0305 of 18 December 2020, Text no. 40, extract: Public concerned: owners, co-owners, lessors and occupants, building professionals, property diagnosticians, co-owners’ associations, project managers, […]

Real estate market shaken by the covid-19 epidemic

Through a note on the real estate situation, the Notaires de France present the market for real estate transactions following the exceptional situation of containment that France is facing in the fight against the covid-19 epidemic. Real Estate Economic Note n° 47, 20 Apr. 2020, extract : (…) As a consequence of the state of […]

Co-ownership and coronavirus: GRECCO’s recommendations

On April 18, 2020, the Groupe de recherche sur la copropriété (GRECCO) issued two notes concerning the holding of general meetings in the context of our health emergency. The first note (recommendation no. 8, 18 Apr. 2020) deals with the holding of face-to-face general meetings during the covid-19 virus epidemic and after this period. As […]