
Most of our conferences are given in French. Below is a list of past conferences. For any information about our conferences please contact us.

Our conferences

Renewable energies and notarial practice

April 2, 2019 Speakers: Marie-Elisabeth Mathieu: Senior Lecturer at the University of Évry Val d’Essonne, Member of the Léon Duguit Research Centre, Professor at the Centre de Formation Professionnel des Notaires de Paris, former Lawyer at Barreau de Paris François Gauthier: Associate Notary, Lasaygues Kian Tawadjoh : Lasaygues I. Which assemblies for which energies? II. […]

Loi Elan: practical aspects of real estate law measures of interest to the notary’s office

April 2, 2019 Speaker: Marie-Elisabeth Mathieu Senior Lecturer at the University of Evry Val d’Essonne, Member of the Léon Duguit Research Centre, Professor at the Centre de Formation Professionnel des Notaires de Paris, former member of Barreau de Paris. I.Renovation of urban planning documents II – Modification of development and construction operations III. Examination of […]

WorkShop Lasaygues and vdp Die deutschen Pfandbriefbanken: The new security agent regime

Le nouveau régime de l’agent des sûretés / Die neue Regelung des frz. Sicherheitenagenten March 26, 2019 Speakers: Professeur Pierre CROCQ : professeur à l’Université Paris II (Panthéon-Assas) Jean-Louis GRANIER : Senior Legal Counsel – Executive Director, CA-CIB Michel QUÉRÉ : Avocat à la Cour, Hogen Lovells Andreas LUCKOW : Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken Baptiste GELPI […]