Our team

Sophie Cascales


After having taught at university for five years, Sophie Cascales joined the Lasaygues Notary Office in 2006 and was named notary lawyer in 2017. She is now a partner.
She is involved in various domains regarding commercial real estate (acquisition, sale, and financing), and she specializes in issues related to public law, including development, urban planning law, environmental law and administrative property law. Sophie is also actively involved in the field of property in regards to the healthcare sector, in which she has developed an acknowledged experience.
Sophie holds  Graduate  Diplomas from the  Université Paris II, Panthéon-Assas and the Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne.
Sophie also worked for various notary offices in Paris (Alexandre, Dechin & Devriendt, 14 Pyramides, Cheuvreux et Chardon, Tarrade & Associés) between 2011 and 2017, before joining Lasaygues.A native French speaker, Sophie also speaks English.