Thanks to its experience providing advice to German “Pfandbriefbanken” (banks regulated by the law on covered bonds) for their financing transactions in the French real estate sector, Lasaygues has been able to put together a German Desk made up of lawyers who not only speak fluent French and German, but also have an intimate knowledge of both cultures including the main players in the German economy.
Our German Desk is also the point of contact for France for the Association of German Pfandbrief Banks (Verband deutscher Pfandbriefbanken – VdP) as part of the Round Table Covered Bond Legislation in Europe (“Runde Tisch: Flexibilität, Sicherheit und Effizienz der Grundpfandrechte in Europa”).
Lasaygues has regular exchanges with the VdP, with whom it enjoys a special relationship, to meet the needs of the Pfandbriefbanken, in particular with regard to the compatibility of the law and legislative reforms in France with the provisions of German law on covered bonds. Solutions that are adapted to the needs of the Pfandbriefbanken can thus be safely drawn up.