Under Law No. 2018-15 of 5 September 2018 « pour la liberté de choisir son avenir professionnel », companies are required to calculate indicators to determine their level of commitment to professional equality between women and men.
In 2022, the LASAYGUES & Associés study publishes its index for the first time and obtains a result of 92/100 for the year 2021, broken down as follows
Gender pay gap indicator: 37/40
Indicator for the difference in the rate of individual increases between women and men: 35/35
Return from maternity leave indicator (percentage of employees who received a raise in the year following their return from maternity leave): 15/15
Gender parity indicator among the 10 highest paid: 5/10.
In 2008, Lasaygues became involved as a sponsor of the Comédie-Française, with whom it shares common values such as creativity, excellence and audacity.
Since then, Lasaygues has reiterated its support for this institution, which has become increasingly dear to it over the years, and enjoys sharing this undiminished passion with its clients.
In recent years, supporting culture has taken on a special meaning for Lasaygues, who is convinced that art and live performances encourage us to question our fragile condition while nourishing the optimism that we should never lose.
Visit website of La Comédie-Française
Convinced that international solidarity concerns all actors in society, Lasaygues decided, in 2007, to become involved in the humanitarian field by becoming a patron of the non-governmental organisation Helen Keller Europe.
Helen Keller Europe, affiliated to Helen Keller International, is a humanitarian association under the French law of 1901 dedicated to the elimination of avoidable blindness, malnutrition and diseases of poverty.
See the website of the association Helen Keller Europe